On The Move

Speaker:- Phil Savoie. This is an At Home Zoom lecture. We will be meeting at the Golf Club next week. Members will be sent a Zoom invite nearer the time. Phil Savoie has visited us twice before and his style of lecture is always very enjoyable.

Music Birds And Stuff

Worcester Golf and Country Club Boughton Park, Bransford Road, Worcester, Worcestershire

Speaker:- Richard Purvis. Richard has volunteered to give us an insight into his photography.  Setting up and socialising from 7pm ready to start at 7.30pm.

Competition 4 Open

Worcester Golf and Country Club Boughton Park, Bransford Road, Worcester, Worcestershire

Judge:- Martin Cooper LRPS. Another competition where you are free to choose from your photo library, as long as the images are no more than five years old. Please refer to Competition Rules. Setting up and socialising from 7pm ready to start at 7.30pm.

Painting With Light 2

As requested, a second chance to try this. Note this is a Wednesday evening and the venue is in Severn Stoke. Exact address will be given shortly.

High Days And Holidays

Worcester Golf and Country Club Boughton Park, Bransford Road, Worcester, Worcestershire

Record shots! Grab shots! Holiday snaps! All members are invited to bring along up to 10 images that were maybe taken on days out or on holiday or wherever you were in the last 2 years which you wouldn't put into a competition. Bring your images on a USB stick.  Setting up and socialising at 7pm ready to start at 7.30pm.

Competition 5 Food/Drink/Product Photography

Worcester Golf and Country Club Boughton Park, Bransford Road, Worcester, Worcestershire

Judge:- Terry Livesey. This competition was moved from October in the hope that more members will be able to enter 4 images. Luckily Terry has agreed to judge, which should be very enlightening, as he is a commercial photographer by profession. Setting up and socialising from 7pm, ready for the main event at 7.30pm.

Before And After

Worcester Golf and Country Club Boughton Park, Bransford Road, Worcester, Worcestershire

Our speaker tonight is Bryan Mitchell, one of our newest members. Bryan will be sharing his passion for photography and what he likes doing with some of his images. Photos before and after, panoramas, composites and straight forward images.

Competition 6 Emotions

Worcester Golf and Country Club Boughton Park, Bransford Road, Worcester, Worcestershire

Judge:- Bob Train LRPS CPAGB. Is the image conveying an emotion or is it provoking an emotion in the viewer? Setting up and socialising from 7pm ready to start at 7.30pm.

Audio Visuals

Worcester Golf and Country Club Boughton Park, Bransford Road, Worcester, Worcestershire

Tonight Pete Ager returns to talk and show the art of the audio visual. Pete was a member of Digibox for many years so it will be nice to welcome him.

Slide Battle Digibox vs Kempsey

Worcester Golf and Country Club Boughton Park, Bransford Road, Worcester, Worcestershire

It's happening. Judge Louise Hill has been booked and some members of the Kempsey Camera Club will hopefully join us for the live battle.
